Monday, November 20, 2006

SODA nite

Sandy,Sindy and I went to SODA at 169 Exhibition st last saturday the 18th to support Benny on his DJ gig.He was a crowd pleaser....naturally *ehem*, are you Benny?hehehe...You were good!Thank you for the dedication to me too!Gonna miss You!xx

It was Japanese night, but nothing special about the whole event!It was stuffy and crammed with people.Not the best of place or night to be.

Benny and Sandy stayed over at my place,Sandy snored!You were still pretty tired!Rest well hun! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

xx sandy said...

We have to go once more before you leave and I leave, ok...
"chuckles" do remember the pimp in white fur and the bling bling *roffles*